Thursday, December 3, 2009

New to the blogging world

I have been fooling around with the idea of blogging for sometime and for some 12:18 AM on December 3, 2009 I decided I would try it...why not? I had to do a lot of stuff, while watching "Ultimate Fighter"on the DVR, in order to set up the blog. Stuff like coming up with a blog name...what? a blog name? what's that? Anyway, here it is..."Gregory's Troop". What is that about? Let me explain.

I am a Trooper with the Kentucky State Police. So, for whatever reason, I thought about the word Troop which means "a group of persons" and "a body of soldiers". Obviously, my family qualifies as a group of persons but soldiers? Paul challenged Timothy to fight the good fight by pursuing righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. All of which is necessary to overcome the deceiver on a daily basis.

My family is involved in a daily battle, spiritual warfare, for the soul. I think that this qualifies us as soldiers in the army of God. We are fighting the good fight as we try and work to be all that we are called to be in Christ!

I have no idea if this blogging thing is for me but I wanted to get started and this is what came of it. We'll see where it goes from here. Gotta fight of the night on UFC!!! woo hoo!


  1. well woo hoo for the troop. and quite a lovely family pic at the top to boot. although i will readily admit that seeing the beach made me a little jealous. these mountains we live in are GORGEOUS, but something in me longs for a trip to the beach on a regular basis, and that has been lacking for quite some time. maybe this summer.....sigh........

    keep fighting the fight and keep blogging to tell us all about it! i bet you'll do better than i do at updating! tell all your sweet family hi for me!

  2. OK, so I think you need to post more.
